Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chavez' Article on Words

1. offending someone with words is one of the biggest fears that Americans have I today’s society.  Chavez makes it clear that when in public, choosing what to say is crucial for yourself and others around.  By starting off her column with that point Chavez makes her intent clear with how words are so vital to chose before speaking them.
2. Bellicose, a word that fits so well into Chavez’ first thought. The sentence could almost be rewritten saying, “’Eager to fight’ metaphors have been a staple of politics…”.  Bellicose is such a strong word describing the metaphors politicians’ use which is why Chavez chose it.  She wanted to to give the impression that politicians sometimes do not think before they speak, but only try to get their opponent or won party riled up.  Chavez wanted the sentence to be such a strong one that bellicose fit nicely with its strong definition.
3. Chavez just wants people to know that thinking before speaking is the best way to go.  Most of the time when people open their mouths without filtering what is coming out and the words get them in trouble.  The best example Chavez uses is where the staff member, for a mayor, is fired for saying “niggardly” in a meeting.  Regular people have to think before they speak, but a politician has the hardest job of not offending others.  If the man would have thought before and had chosen an alternative word, he would most likely still have his job.
4. I agree with Chavez thinking that it is so important for people to think before they speak.  No matter who the person is, the words they speak effects everyone around them.  There are so many cases where someone’s feelings have been hurt, just because another did not think about what they were saying. It is not just about feelings, but how the words will be taken by people around.  Chavez’ article made me realize how anyone can say whatever they like, but the ones who think before they speak usually have the best words to say. It is not easy to stop saying something while thinking about it, but just think about how much trouble could be saved if the words did not come out.  I think that the more people do filter their words, the better off everyone is.

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