Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Savior of the Nations, Come"

Martin Luther does a grand job in the hymn of "Savior of the Nations, Come" of telling why Jesus came to earth. The description throughout the whole hymn always goes back to the human birth of Jesus showing the reader why He is needed so badly. Luther writes, "Captive leading death and hell-High the song of triumph swell!" which shows that Jesus came to lead unbelievers from hell and that was His work on earth! It was prophecied in John 1:1-4 that the Word of God would be made flesh and that His light would be divine. Jesus' victory is shown at the end of the hymn, because Luther first describes why He is on earth, then writes how Jesus has conquered sin. Every stanza went back to describe how wonderful it is that Jesus loves His children enough to leave His home and come to earth to save us. At the end Luther praises God by descibing Him with different names because He cares about His kids so much to send His son. What a wonderful gift!

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